
Fitch Ratings on Friday revised Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s outlook to stable from negative and affirmed its AA-minus rating ahead of an upcoming general obligation bond deal. Fitch said the revision reflects its expectation “the city will maintain stable financial performance, gradually rebuilding reserves after a large draw on fund balance in 2020 that resulted from pandemic
Municipal triple-A yields rose three to four basis points on Friday, losing up to half the gains they made Thursday, as U.S. Treasuries saw losses throughout the day but ended flat. Equities rallied hard after the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia and the U.S. indicated it would follow suit. Municipals had a hard time
Municipals were mixed Wednesday even as U.S. Treasuries and equities sold off amid intensifying tensions over the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Municipal triple-A yields were unchanged on the Refinitiv MMD scale while experiencing up to two basis point cuts outside 10 years on ICE Data Services’ curve and two basis point bumps inside of 5 years on
Municipals were mixed on Tuesday with U.S. Treasuries providing little guidance while equities sold off on increasing concerns over Ukraine and Russia. Municipal triple-A yields were unchanged on Refinitiv MMD and Bloomberg BVAL scales while experiencing up to three basis point bumps on the long end of ICE Data Services’ curve and two basis point
A legal battle between the Missouri attorney general and dozens of school districts over mask mandates could strain ratings, S&P Global Ratings warns. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt warned school districts in a letter Dec. 7 of potential enforcement actions if they continued to enforce local health mandates thrown out in November in a ruling
The Federal Reserve formally adopted tough, sweeping restrictions on officials’ investing and trading, aiming to prevent a repeat of the ethics scandal that engulfed the U.S. central bank last year. The changes codify new guidelines announced in October to restrict active trading, prohibit the purchase of individual securities and boost disclosure requirements among policymakers and senior staff
Triple-A benchmark yields fell further Friday, as U.S. Treasuries were better in a continued flight-to-safety bid, while equities ended in the red again. Traders and managers reported a firm tone and trading showed it on Friday ahead of next week’s lower new-issue calendar. “It’s pretty quiet,” a New York trader said on Friday afternoon, pointing
Puerto Rico’s government is exploring refinancing its Puerto Rico Sales Tax Finance Corporation’s bonds, also known as COFINA bonds, a move some say could allow the commonwealth to see cost savings as it also works toward restructuring its general obligation bonds. The Puerto Rico Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority has requested pre-qualified investment banks